Being a church going slut is fun. What other activity can be so much forbidden but not against the law? Where else can you find such pent-up lust? Where else can you find so many sex partners without STDs? The guys are nice, and not likely to be drug addicts and thieves; their lingering guilt makes them weak and susceptible to my desires.
I wonder how many other church going sluts there are. I mean women who don't really believe all the religious doctrine, but go to church for the guys. I know there were some when I went to the youth group. The first time I held a boy's hand was praying at a youth group. I didn't care about the prayer, it was the hand holding that I looked forward to. And the hugs. The first time a boy touched my tit was at a church retreat. That was years ago. The youth group girls and boys got older and married, jobs, kids, boredom. How many of us still enjoy sex as we did at first, when it was forbidden and exciting? Fucking the same woman or guy for twenty years has got to get old. Yeah, there's bonding, friendship, family, memories and trust. Those thing are nice, but it's not sex. You can have that excitement again, even if you're married with kids.
When I was in high school, my parents informed me that the minister was having an affair with a woman in church. They were both married. Evidently they admitted it to some people in church, sought counseling and he resigned. Church people often "commit adultery" and fornicate. According to the official church doctrine, it's not a good thing. The guilty are prayed for and the minister finds another job. But if we free ourselves from the doctrine we are free from the church problem. We can talk to God directly. Lust and sex are good, and don't have to be limited to the person you're married to. Being a church going slut helps others see this.